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Prairie Moon is pleased to refer you to these valuable resources to continue your research on the benefits of native plants:

The Prairie Enthusiasts – The Prairie Enthusiasts (TPE) is a private organization committed to the protection and management of native prairie and savanna of the Upper Midwest. They are a grass roots organization run mainly by volunteers.

Wild Ones – Wild Ones is a not-for-profit environmental education and advocacy organization promoting environmentally sound landscaping practices to preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration and establishment of native plant communities.

The Xerces Society – The Xerces Society is a nonprofit organization that protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat. For forty years, the Society has been at the forefront of invertebrate protection worldwide, harnessing the knowledge of scientists and the enthusiasm of citizens to implement conservation programs.  We partner with Xerces in their “Bring Back the Pollinators” campaign with our Pollinator-Palooza Seed Mix.

Wildlife Gardeners – Wildlife Gardeners web forum promotes environmentally sound practices to preserve biodiversity by encouraging discussions of the preservation, restoration and establishment of native flora and fauna AND sustainable gardening practices.

Midwest Ecological Landscape Alliance (MELA) – MELA is a movement dedicated to creating, restoring and preserving sustainable landscapes pursued through education, collaboration and networking.  They work to transform the green industry so that sustainable design, materials and methods are the professional standard. MELA helps members learn how to protect the planet and her people without compromising profits.

New England Wildflower Society – NEWFS mission is to promote the conservation of temperate North American flora through education, research, horticulture, habitat preservation, and advocacy.

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center – located in Austin, TX, the mission of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is to increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants and landscapes. Browse their online database of 23,000 native plant images, propagation tips, and distribution maps.

Illinois Wildflowers – This website, designed and maintained by John Hilty, contains descriptions, photographs, and range maps of many wildflowers in Illinois.

Minnesota Wildflowers – their goal is to educate Minnesotans on native plants, raise awareness on threats like invasive species, and hopefully inspire people to explore the great state of MN, appreciate its natural beauty, and become involved in preserving it.

Spangle Creek Labs – Many customers ask us where they can buy Native Orchids (Cypripedium species); Spangle Creek Labs in Northern MN is a reputable source selling laboratory-grown orchid seedlings for wildflower gardens, or wetland/woodland restorations.

The USDA Plants Database – the PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants of the U.S. and its territories.

Invasive Plant Atlas of the US – The purpose of the Atlas is to assist users with identification, early detection, prevention, and management of invasive plants.

Land and Water Magazine – the magazine of natural resource management and restoration. Check out the latest issue of the magazine in digital format on their homepage!

North American Native Plant Society – (formerly the Canadian Wildflower Society) Browse their website for great resources for plants primarily found in the US Midwest, Great Lakes and North East regions.